Angle Grinder vs Bench Grinder. Výhody a nevýhody. Bearní mlýnek na lavičku

Angle Grinder vs Bench Grinder. Vývoj.

V rámci více obchodních průmyslových odvětví jsou úhlová mlýnka a mlýnek na lavičce dvě z nejvíce využívaných forem nástrojů. Oba jsou známí svou praktičností a účinností při provádění úkolů, jako je broušení, broušení a tvarování materiálů; Jaký je však skutečný rozdíl mezi těmito dvěma stroji?

Pojďme prozkoumat tyto rozdíly v následujícím článku.

Rozdíl mezi mlýnkem úhlu a mlýnky

Stručně řečeno, úhlový mlýn je přenosný mlýnek s rotujícím diskem, který se točí vysokou rychlostí pro řezání, písek a polské obrobky. Na druhou stranu je mlýnek na lavičce pevný stroj se dvěma rotujícími brusnými kameny. Bench brusky se primárně používají pro ostření vrtáků, řezací nástroje, čepele, odhazování, broušení atd.

Úhel mlýnek

Úhel mlýnek je nástroj pro ruční přenos, který se nejčastěji používá pro broušení, řezání a leštění.

Všechny modely mlýnek na úhlu budou obsahovat buď malý motor (nebo systém komprese vzduchu), který se používá k napájení hlavy převodovky s vřetenem. Na vřeteno lze připevněny a připevněny různým úhlem. Po zapnutí mlýnky se hlava převodovky a připojený disk rychle otáčí a lze jej použít na materiál pro abrazivní řezání, broušení nebo leštění.

Ochrana operátora před zraněním (jako jsou létající trosky) je stráž mlýnek, který se nachází přímo za hlavou/diskem Gear Head/Disc. Různé disky jsou navrženy pro různé úkoly a jsou obecně vyrobeny jako spotřební materiál.

Bench Grinder

Pracovní principy mlýnku na lavičce jsou podobné principům úhlu brusců, ale bez schopnosti omezovat materiály.

Bench Grinder je stacionární stroj na stolním stroji, který se používá hlavně pro broušení, broušení a leštění různých materiálů. Nejběžnější design, který viděl, jsou dvě sousední kola připojená k hlavě převodovky s motorem umístěným centrálně.

Když je mlýnek na lavičce zapnutý, elektrický motorový pohání tato dvě kola (často současně) a požadovanou práci lze provádět pomocí aplikace materiálu, na kterém se má zpracovat. Podobně jako úhlový mlýnek je abrazivní kolo (v tomto případě) zaměnitelné, aby vyhovovalo potřebám člověka, i když jak bylo uvedeno, bench mlýnky jsou převážně navrženy za účelem broušení, broušení a leštění v mysli.


Úhel mlýnek je stejně přenosný jako energetický nástroj. Obecně je poháněn kompresí elektřiny nebo vzduchu a je omezen s jeho volností pohybu pouze umístěním výstupu elektrického nebo vzduchu a délkou elektrické/vzduchové hadice po ruce.

O krok dále jsou k dispozici modely úhlu mlýnek, které zcela eliminují nutnost přímého zdroje energie a jsou poháněny dobíjecími bateriemi. Je však důležité zmínit, že při výměně od přímého zdroje energie k dobíjecí baterii (alespoň s úhlovými brusky) je životnost nástroje a výkonu menší.

Na druhou stranu není mlýnek na lavičku vůbec považován za přenosný nástroj. Tyto stroje budou často nalezeny zcela stacionární a připevněny k lavičce nebo těžkému stánku, což vám brání v jeho přenášení, pokud montáž nebude mít kola. Z tohoto důvodu je mlýnek na lavičce obvykle považován.

Navzdory tomuto nedostatku přenositelnosti není mlýnek na lavičce masivním nástrojem z hlediska těžkých strojů a umístění lze podle potřeby změnit pomocí malé pracovní síly.

Úhel mlýnky

Úhel mlýnky lze použít pro úkoly na řadě materiálů, jako je kov, dřevo, keramika, beton a plasty, abychom jmenovali alespoň některé. Obecně bychom viděli úhlový mlýnek používaný na těchto materiálech pro účely, jako například:

  • Broušení
  • Leštění
  • Broušení
  • Řezání výztuže, šroubů, baru atd.
  • Vyčištění svaru
  • Odstranění barvy a rzi
  • Podívejte se na více použití úhlové mlýčí.

Použití mlýnek na bench

Nevidíme takovou řadu aplikací z mlýnku na lavičce, i když to na neurčito nahradí svou účinnost. Stejně jako brusci na úhlu je užitečná pro práci na materiálech, jako je kov, dřevo, keramika, beton a plasty.

Následuje některé z běžných použití mlýnku na lavičce.

  • Broušení
  • Ostření nástroje soustruhu
  • Bity BITS
  • Odbourání a zkosení
  • Leštění
  • Broušení

Můžete použít mlýnek na lavičku k řezání kovu?

Bench brusky nejsou navrženy pro řezání kovu, protože využívají široká broušení kola. K řezání kovu potřebujete tenčí abrazivní disk nebo čepel pily.

Na mlýnek na lavici můžete nakrájet kovové šrouby a barové zásoby s relativně malými průřezy (½ palce nebo méně) pomocí ostrého rohu brusného kamene. Bude to však vyžadovat hodně úsilí a plýtvání materiálem.

Jste mnohem lepší z řezání kovu pomocí úhlové brusky nebo mlýnky s řezacími disky.


Při práci na kovech různých velikostí mají rozsah flexibility vynikající škálu flexibility. Díky tomu je vynikající nástroj k použití ve více průmyslových odvětvích, jako je zpracování dřeva, konkrétní práce a zpracování kovů, kde se velikosti materiálu často mění. Když se velikosti materiálu liší, lze jednoduše změnit disky brusky tak, aby lépe vyhovovaly pracovní zátěži po ruce, nebo jinak lze použít zcela jinou velikost brusky.

Zaměnitelnost disků s mlýnkem je stejně vynikající s velkým množstvím řezacích, broušení a broušení dostupných a dalších jedinečných disků/nástrojů dostupných pro potenciální použití. Například jedním z nejčastěji používaných disků na úhlové brusky je disk klapky, který není broušením, přesto však velmi efektivně funguje při odstraňování materiálu. Úhlové brusky mohou být dokonce použity pro zpracování a řezby dřeva.

Také je důležité si uvědomit, že je zřejmá přenositelnost úhlové brusky, která umožňuje operátorovi pracovat kdekoli, kde je k dispozici elektřina.

Bench brusky jsou určitě mnohem specializovanější než mlýnek na úhlu, která omezuje jejich flexibilitu použití jako přenosný objekt nebo jako nástroj s více funkcemi.

Navzdory tomu je k dispozici široká škála různých broušení kol (různých hrubostí, tloušťky a funkcí), což neurčitě rozšiřuje potenciální aplikace z jednoduchých úkolů broušení, které zahrnují leštění, broušení a příležitostné řezání také.

Zdroj energie

Dalším důležitým rozlišením je typ energie používané k řízení motoru nástroje. Stručně jsem to zmínil v sekci přenositelnosti.

Úhel mlýnek je obvykle poháněn jednou ze tří následujících metod.

  • Stlačený vzduch v případě pneumatického úhlu brusné
  • Elektřina pro kabelové brusky a
  • Bateriové bezdrátové úhlové brusky.

Naopak, bench brusky jsou obvykle poháněny elektřinou.


The Angle Grinder: 20- 300USD

An extremely budget-friendly 4.5-inch to 6-inch grinder could be purchased for as low as 20USD (though it would be indefinitely lacking in the department of durability and quality).

The cost of the tool usually depends on the size, type of power source, and brand. The price range for a quality angle grinder of any size is likely to range between 80USD – 300USD or more.

The Bench Grinder: 50 – 800USD

Starting at 50USD, one can pick up a light-duty bench grinder for basic home use but when requiring a grinder with a little more power and potential lifespan, the price will likely start from 200USD and continue into the thousands.

Which Grinder Should You Get?

The answer to this question will depend completely on your own individual task at hand; try to utilize the information below for a clear route to selecting the correct tool for your project.

Angle Grinders are most suitable for:

  • If portability is important for you, then an angle grinder wins hands down.
  • The industrial (or home-based) grinding, sanding, polishing, and cutting of materials where manual-control, accuracy, and flexibility are the requirements.
  • Working indoors and outdoors at a location with/without access to electricity.
  • For those who need to complete a wide variety of tasks at a variable price.

Bench Grinders are most suitable for:

  • Fast/efficient grinding, sanding, and sharpening of materials in a fixed location with industrial and residential environments alike.
  • Working upon projects requires production-line efficiency and repetition.
  • Tasks require the operator to have hands free (the angle grinder can be seen as more limited within this area of work).

In conclusion, the bench grinder and angle grinder are both highly practical tools to be used throughout a variety of tasks. Ideally one would have access to both tools for complete flexibility. However, if on a budget one should select the tooling most suitable for their workload.

Angle Grinder Vs Bench Grinder

When working on any kind of renovation project, the angle grinder is essential in order to achieve aggressive polishing or abrasive cutting. But, there is also an option for a bench grinder that employs better abrasive wheels which can sharpen tools and shape metals before you carry on with your welding project.

Both are useful for certain purposes and can be used effectively to achieve your goal. There is constant confusion as to which one is perfectly suited to your requirements. In this article, we will discuss both options that will help you choose better.

What is an Angle Grinder?

The angle grinder is a handheld rotary tool that is usually used for polishing material surfaces, cutting pavers, and grinding. It features high speed and is typically employed for large-scale, intense jobs that are too much for the oscillating multi-tool.

The tool is available in corded and cordless versions and is a constant feature in worksites and several shops. It is highly popular due to the versatility offered by interchangeable discs.

How Does an Angle Grinder Work?

This tool uses a small air compression system or motor employed to drive a gear head, along with a spindle. Several angle grinder discs can be fastened and attached to the spindle by tightening the screw. When the power is turned on, the attached disc with the gear head rotates rapidly and is then applied to the material for polishing, grinding, or abrasive cutting.

What is a Bench Grinder?

The bench grinder is a grinding tool set on the benchtop and features even abrasive wheels. They are used majorly for sharpening tools such as chisels, drill bits, and tool bits. Also, they are used for shaping metals to be fitted for welding jobs or any project.

Usually, they are a lot less versatile tools than the former, and also they are not as portable.

How Does a Bench Grinder Work?

The bench grinder is set on a stationary bench top and has a working principle similar to the angle grinder without cutting abilities. It is generally used for polishing several materials, sanding, and grinding. The most common design is the gear head located centrally with a motor and two adjacent wheels attached.

When the power is on, the motor charges the two wheels, and the work can be carried out by applying the tool to the material. Similar to the angle grinder, the wheels can be altered depending on the user’s requirements.

Comparison Between Angle Grinder and Bench Grinder

angle, grinder, bench, mlýnek, lavičku

In short, the angle grinder is portable, featuring rotary discs that work at high-speed to polish, sand, and cut work materials. While the bench grinder is fixed with abrasive rotary grinding stones. They are usually used for grinding, deburring, and sharpening blades, cutting tools, and drill bits. The major differences between the two tools are elaborated on in the following section.

Factor Angle Grinder Bench Grinder
Working Principle Powered by a motor and works with rotary discs. Powered by a motor and works with rotary wheels.
Portability Portable Stationary
Uses Paint and rust removal, weld clean-up, cutting bar stock, screws, rebar, sanding, polishing, and grinding. Sanding, polishing, chamfering and deburring, sharpening drill bits, lathe tool sharpening and grinding.
Versatility versatile Less versatile
Power Source Air compressors, electric, rechargeable batteries. Electric.
Price 20-300 50-800
Vibrations vibrations Fewer vibrations
Wheel Speed Faster wheels Slower wheels
Number of Wheels 1 2
Flexibility Flexibility Less Flexibility
Weight 7-8 lbs than 55 lbs
Design Handheld Control pieces to grind
Accuracy User dependent User dependent

Working Principle

The working principle for both tools is similar but not the same. An angle grinder is a handheld tool with different angled discs which rotate rapidly and are applied to the working materials. On the other hand, a bench grinder is a stationary tool featuring two abrasive wheels which rotate rapidly and are then applied to work materials.

You must be careful about safety and prevent any injury from the flying debris in the grinder guard. The grinder guard is placed right behind the gear disc or head.


The angle grinder is among the most portable power tools. They are usually powered by air compression or electricity and hence restricted with the freedom of moving around the location of the air compression or electrical output. It also depends on the length of the air hose or electrical lead on hand.

However, the advanced angle grinder is powered by a rechargeable battery but for those, the power output and the lifespan of the machine are reduced. So, it is better with a direct power source.

On the contrary, a bench grinder is a stationary tool, implying it cannot be moved. They are attached to a heavy stand or bench and carrying it around is difficult. However, the tool is not very heavy and can be moved with a little manpower.


There are several uses for an angle grinder on materials like plastics, concrete, ceramics, wood, and metal. It is used for the following purposes:

  • Paint and rust removal
  • Weld clean-up
  • Cutting bar stocks, screws, and rebar
  • Sanding
  • Polishing
  • Grinding

The bench grinder cannot be used for such extensive functions as the angle grinder, but they make up for it with efficiency. The bench grinder can also work on plastics, concrete, ceramics, wood, and metal. Its general uses are listed below:

  • Sanding
  • Polishing
  • Chamfering and deburring
  • Sharpening drill bits
  • Lathe tool sharpening
  • Grinding


Angle grinders are highly flexible and can be applied to several metals of different sizes. It can be used in various fields of work like metalworking, concreting work, woodworking, etc. The disc can also be changed according to the size of the material. The interchangeable discs are the game-changer. They can perform high levels of sanding, grinding, and cutting. For instance, one of the most popular flap discs is not a grinding wheel but can efficiently remove material. It can also be used for carving and woodworking.

On the other hand, bench grinders restrict their usability and FOCUS on certain tasks. But, there are several grinding wheels in the market with variable functions, thickness, and coarseness, which accommodate applications like sanding and polishing.

Power Source

Another distinct difference between the tools is the power source that drives the tools. The angle grinder is powered by one of the following methods. They are:

  • Air compressors for the pneumatic angle grinders,
  • Electric power for the corded angle grinders, and
  • Rechargeable batteries for the cordless angle grinders.

On the flip side, the bench grinders are generally powered through electrical power outlets.


The angle grinders are budget-friendly, and the lowest model can be purchased for 20 dollars only. The cost is influenced by the brand, kind of power source, and size. For a high-quality angle grinder, the price ranges from 80 dollars to 300 dollars.

While the bench grinders start at 50 dollars for light-duty tasks. But, the ones with more power and a higher lifespan start from 200 dollars and can range up to 800 to thousand dollars.


When working with both tools, it is likely that you will feel a little vibration owing to their speed and power. But the important thing is that the angle grinder shows a lot more vibrations than the bench grinder.

As the bench grinder is stationary on a flat surface, the weight of the tool and the surface reduces the vibrations to keep it to a minimum. Now, as the angle grinder is a handheld tool, the vibrations are more and it is less stable.

Wheel Speed

When speed is concerned, the angle grinder is much faster than the bench grinder.

So, it is suggested to go for the angle grinder if you want your tool to be easy to move and portable. It is highly suitable for fast jobs. The small cutting jobs can be done faster and finished within minutes. The bench grinder is not so fast but more accurate.

Number of Wheels

The bench grinder features two wheels that can be used simultaneously and attached at the same time. On the contrary, the bench grinder has one wheel at a time.

This is not a significant distinction as it saves time in switching to a different disc while using the angle grinder.


As the angle grinder is a portable, handheld tool, it has more uses, and applications and is suitable for many jobs when compared to the bench grinder. As the bench grinder is fixed, you have to move around it for the job to be done.

Owing to the different angles, the angle grinder is useful for a variety of applications. However, the bench grinder is less flexible and can only handle certain tasks.


The weight of the angle grinder is much lower than the bench grinder. This enables the user to carry the tool easily. The average weight of the bench grinder is around 7 to 8 lbs.

But, the bench grinder has a cast-iron base, making it heavy. So, the bench grinder is stationary and has lesser vibrations.


The angle grinder is designed to fit in your hand and has a long handle for easy functioning. It is also kept in mind to reduce the vibrations.

While the design of the bench grinder is better when it features a long awkward to control the pieces to grind.


This is a tricky one as the accuracy for both tools depends majorly on the user. It takes a little practice to make everything right for each tool. Neither of them is accurate if the user cannot use them properly.

Which One Should I Buy, an Angle Grinder or an Bench Grinder?

There is no direct answer to this question as it depends on a lot of factors. We have mapped a clear route below for you to reach the answer, which is the suitable tool according to your requirements.

The angle grinders are suitable for the following.

  • If portability is a concern then an angle grinder is the right choice.
  • The home-based or industrial cutting of materials, polishing, sanding, and grinding project of yours needs flexibility, accuracy, and manual control, then go for the angle grinder.
  • If you want to work both indoors and outdoors and with or without the electric output, then go for this tool.
  • If versatility is a lookout at an affordable price range, then an angle grinder is the one for you.

The bench grinder is suitable for the following.

  • Efficient or fast sharpening of materials, sanding and grinding in a given location for residential and industrial use is achieved easily with the bench grinders.
  • If you are working on projects needing repetition and production-line efficiency, use this tool.
  • Where the tasks demand the user to be hands-free, then a bench grinder is more suitable.

Final Word

Both the angle grinder and the bench grinder are highly useful tools that can be used for several different tasks. For absolute flexibility, both these tools are favourable but if you are on a budget, then you should go for the one which is more suitable for the tasks that you have in hand.

We have tried to solve all doubts regarding the angle grinder and the bench grinder but if you still have queries do mention them in the Комментарии и мнения владельцев section below.

bench grinder 150mm 170w

When it comes to the main power tools in any professional or DIY workshop, having a good bench grinder can not only be used to sharpen your tools, but it can polish, buffer or even cut different metal parts. A good and heavy-duty bench grinder should have a strong and fast motor and grinding wheels while having safety features such as an eye shield and a wheel guard. Ronix 3510 bench grinder is a powerful and versatile grinding machine that meets all of the important criteria for a robust bench grinder. With its 170 watts motor equipped with two 150mm grinding wheels that can rotate up to 2950 RPM, this beast of a machine can reshape and sharpen heavy-duty and hard materials while being capable of precise sharpening work.

Ronix 3510 bench grinder is a powerful tool with a wide range of use cases, offers a robust performance against strong materials, and is precise enough to sharpen and reshape delicate objects.

Ronix 3510, 170W 150mm Bench Grinder:

As a well-known and international company, Ronix has made its promise and mission to provide sturdy and heavy-duty power tools to professionals and DIYers in every corner of the world. Ronix 3510 isn’t any exception to that promise and in this text, we will cover its most important features.


As the pumping heart of a bench grinder, many regard the motor of a bench grinder as the most important part, and Ronix 3510 not only delivers on that front but goes above and beyond. Utilizing a voltage range of 220 to 240 volts with a frequency of 50 to 60 Hz, the Ronix 3510, 170W Bench Grinder can rotate its two grinding wheels to make 2950 revolutions per minute. This means that you can sharpen any blade or tool, reshape any kind of metal, polish and clean the most robust part and also remove rust from older parts to breathe new life into them. All this and so much more are possible by using the Ronix 3510 bench grinder.

Grinding wheels:

As we said, the 170 watts motor of the 3510 Bench Grinder can rotate its grinding wheels up to 2950 RPM. Ronix 3510 is equipped with two grinding wheels, one for more delicate reshaping and grinding, and another for more heavy-duty and robust workloads. These wheels are attached to the engine using a ball-bearing shaft that ensures a long service life for this beast of a tool. This means that you can rely on this machine to reshape the hardest of metals and tools, while simultaneously reforming fragile parts that need accurate sharpening.


This machine is one of the most compact and light models in the market, weighing only 5.5 kg. This not only means that you can easily fit this formidable machine on your workbench, but you can also move it without much hassle, should the need arise. Also, the compact size of the Ronix 3510 model results in a small footprint which means more space to work on your workbench or to put more tools and equipment. In also worth noting that Ronix 3510 uses an anti-dust on-off switch that avoids any dust from getting into the machinery of the tool, expanding its lifetime.

Safety and useability:

Ronix is committed to safety in every workplace and DIY workshop and has equipped its 3510 Bench Grinder with two flexible eye shields that can be readjusted based on the operator’s angle to avoid any shrapnel or a sharp object hitting his or her eyes. In addition to that, Ronix 3510 has a tool rest for each grinding wheel to act as a support for your hands and to improve your grip on the part that’s being worked on. Also, this compact, yet powerful bench grinder rests on rubber feet to reduce vibration. This feature also minimizes the noise from the rattling of the parts and your workbench, lowering unwanted noise in the workshop.


Now that we are familiar with the most important features and aspects of the Ronix 3510 bench grinder, we can take a look at its presentation. This power tool comes in the iconic Ronix-designed color box.

-Versatile and powerful grinding machine with fine and coarse grinding wheel for repairs and shape corrections as well as precise sharpening workRobust metal compact construction with ball bearing shaft and rubber feet for low-vibration running, best grinding results and a long service lifeEasily adjustable, sturdy work rests to suit any task.Large transparent spark protection lenses and encapsulated sanding discs for maximum safetyIdeal for all grinding, sharpening and polishing workDust proof switch for extra long life span.Heavy duty construction for demanding environments


Adjustable according to the measure you are looking for to cover yourself from sparks or/and parts that the product can release with the work.

Perfect for your tools

If you need to sharpen. polish or even grind, it is the perfect tool.

What you were looking for to support your tools

It has the perfect base to support your tools and work efficiently, and achieve the result you are looking for.

reviews for BENCH GRINDER 6-INCH 1/3HP PRO-EB250

Great deal. Great value, I have owned several bench grinders in past and let me tell you I have wore them all out! I don’t believe that this unit is going to fail anytime soon. It is seriously built like a brick house. It comes up to speed very quickly and is very quiet. The torque is very impressive, I have leaned on it pretty hard and it honestly has never even shown me any sign of slowing down. That’s very impressive. In a nutshell I’m very happy with this unit and can say wholeheartedly that this will be my last bench grinder. It’s inconceivable for me to think this unit is going to ever quit on me. I do recommend this product. I hope you have found this to be useful. Thank you.

This grinder might well deserve five stars, but the manual barely deserves three stars. Some assembly required. Should not have been difficult, but the parts list and assembly diagram were for some other grinder! I wasted an hour trying to reverse engineer the parts I did find in the box without success. Fortunately, there was a picture of the grinder on the shipping box. With that I was able to find a use for all of the parts. (Duh!)